
Personal Growth, Coaching and Counseling

  • life coaching
  • career coaching
  • self-experience workshops
  • awareness programs
  • coping with stress, burn-out prevention, self-care
  • relaxation methods, mindfulness
  • creativity a (re)discovering your resources
  • unfold your real inner potential
  • communication, conflict solving, problem solving skills
  • management of difficult situations at work, in work teams
  • happy habits vs. dysfunctional patterns
  • maximize sport performance

What it means to feel successful, that´s different for everyone. Some may strive for work performance, some desire more balance in their close relationships. Coaching and personal growth counseling is an effective vehicle to set your success in motion.

When you define your goals, together we work on your inner attitude so that you can achieve them. You will find answers within yourself how to handle obstacles and where your resources are, so that you can live a more genuine version of your life.